Tuesday, August 9, 2011

MY feveret song ever *___*

2-3 hari ni lagu feveret ak ni sering terngiang2 dlam fikiran ak.... kenapa.?? tu ak sendiri kurang pasti...tapi itu xpelik.. sbb ak mmg minat sesangat kat lagu ni.. semenjak sekolah menengah ak da meminati lagu dari kumpulan GREENDAY ni... hampir semua lagu2 nye ak layan ~ tapi antara lagu feveret paling memberikan impak besar dalam jiwa xlaen n xbukan lagu Macy's Day Parade ni... yang suatu ketika dlu ak jadikan Ringtone hp ak.. (sebab terlalu minat) n kalo perhatikan liriknye.. mmg ade maksud yang mendalam.. ^__^ . baru2 ni... ade seseorang yang menyanyikan lagu ni tuk ak... ^___^ sambil petik gitarnye... (aduuiiihhh) mmg terpaku juga ak mandengarnye... selama ni ak mmg mengimpikan seseorang akan menyanyikan lagu ni tuk ak.. *___*, n akhirnye impian ak da terlaksana... thanks to him... :P  

Macy's Day Parade by Greenday 

Today's the Macy's Day parade.
The night of the living dead is on its way...
with a credit report for duty call.
It's a lifetime guarantee.
Stuffed in a coffin 10% more free.
Red light special at the mausoleum.

Give me something that I need.
Satisfaction guaranteed to you.
What's the consolation price?
Economy sized dreams of hope.

When I was a kid, I thought...
I wanted all the things that I haven't got.
Oh, but I learned the hardest way.
Then I realized what it took...
to tell the difference between thieves and crooks.
A lesson learned for me and you.

Give me something that I need.
Satisfaction guaranteed...

'Cause I'm thinkin about a brand new hope.
The one I've never known.

'Cause now I know it's all that I wanted.

What's the consolation price?
Economy sized dreams of hope.
Give me something that I need.
Satisfaction guaranteed.

'Cause I'm thinkin' about a brand new hope.
The one I've never known.
And where it goes...

And I'm thinkin' about the only road.
The one I've never known.
And where it goes...

And I'm thinkin' about a brand new hope.
The one I've never known.
'Cause now I know it's all that I wanted.

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